Looking for wholesale deals that are already under contract in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia.
We are an established buyer and can acquire multiple properties at one time.
Bedrooms: 3+
Bath: 1+ (Prefer 2 baths, but will take 1 - 1.
Sqft: 1,100 sqft +
Nothing older than 1940
SFR, TH, Duplex, Multi-Units, Apartment Buildings, Medical Buildings, Office Buildings, Mobile Home Parks, Car Washes, and Laundromats.
Price isn’t an issue, and neither is the amount of your assignment fee, as long as the deal fits our numbers, you make what you make.
10-21 day close for residential, 30 - 45 days for commercial.
if you have a deal, contact me.
Let's make a deal.
Les Strowder
Galaxy Joint Ventures, LLC
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